Let's just say I've been on a brief hiatus for the last few months. After studying for exams, stressing over exams, and actually taking exams, I couldn't bring myself to voluntarily put effort into writing anything. I know that maintaining a blog takes self discipline and hopefully it will be a discipline I can master. At least on my free time from 386346 other school commitments or when it's 3 a.m. and I
can't fall asleep.
I went to New Orleans for a month to work over break, but a few days before I left Austin I fulfilled one of my desired food truck visits at
The Peached Tortilla.
I saw via twitter (@peachedtortilla) that there was a lunch special at the trailer off 2nd and Colorado. I convinced my roommate to hop in the car and take a trip to the truck that I had somehow kept missing. The food and the service were exceptional.
I went after the Banh Mi taco on white corn because it had been the most highly recommended. And I loved it! The description of "Vietnamese braised pork belly, pickled
daikon and carrot salad" intimidated me a little, but these new ingredients didn't scare my palate. The spicy
sriracha mayo and cilantro pulled it all together as a taco that rivaled my beloved Torchy's Brush Fire.
I think my roommate ordered the BBQ Brisket taco with creamy slaw and smoke roasted peach bbq sauce. Mmmmmmmmmmm
Eric Silverstein, owner and founder of The Peached Tortilla, was a pre

tty laid back guy. He answered some questions I had for an article I was working on (more details on that to come) and even let me take his picture.
I need to make my way over to West Campus (where the truck is located most evening at
Freewheeling Bicycles), so I can relive the Banh Mi and maybe try a slider or two.